Thursday, April 26, 2012

World Championship 24 Hour Racing in Italy


a) Tickets booked.

b) Race entered (Solo Single Speed).

c) Accommodation and Vehicle sorted.

d) Countdown has begun (3 1/2 weeks until R A C E  D A Y!).

Check out these trails...

I am confident I have just enough form to show up and have a good fun race. There is lots & lots & lots of climbing in each lap. Looks like about 500 metres per 18km lap.

The best part about going to Italy for this race is I am going with my life partner and another couple of great friends.

Mr. Ay Up Lights is very kindly putting together some brand spanking new super bright lights for me along with some other essential accessories. My current Ay Up lights are 2 years old now. They are still outshining and outperforming all other lighting systems. I am really excited about these new ones!

Until next time...

...It's easier to say no after saying yes, than to say yes after saying no. Grab the opportunities when they come along. You'll never know where they lead you.


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